The 4 Quiet Signs of Trauma

When you think of trauma, does violence, sexual assault or a terrible accident come to mind? But there are quiet forms of trauma that can devastate our lives just as much as loud or big traumas.

For example, relational trauma is often invisible, even though it creates the same type of problems as big visible trauma. Troubles like blaming ourselves because we feel we should have “gotten over it by now.” Feeling crazy because the hurt creeps back in, again and again, as raw as the first moment of impact. A break up, being passed over for a promised promotion, or a painful childhood event can cause relational trauma. Read on to see if you recognize any of the four signs of trauma in yourself.


Anxiety and stress may develop after a trauma, and leave you feeling constantly overwhelmed. You may feel out of control, like there is too much to do, or that people in your life are taking up too much of your time. Do you think  that your life has become unmanageable?  This could be a sign of trauma.


Overreactions are a common. Because victims are at times unable to process their trauma, their intense feelings get  buried. These suppressed emotions simmer just below the surface. Minor events can trigger an explosion of these pent-up feelings. Do you get surprised by your own strong reactions? That could be your sign of trauma.


It’s typical for people suffering from relational trauma to feel ashamed and to blame themselves. If you have shame around a traumatic event, you'll devalue yourself or see yourself as weak. You may feel a stigma from what you endured. This can prevent you from admitting that you're traumatized and prevent you from seeking help.


Another sign of trauma is “zoning” or “spacing out.” You may feel disconnected and struggle to focus  in social situations. You may "numb out" your feelings. As you withdraw, your relationships suffer, causing you further pain, numbing, and zoning.

If these signs sounds familiar and you believe you may be suffering from trauma, help is available. A caring, licensed professional trained in trauma treatment can help. Take the first step by giving me a call today, and let’s set up a time to talk.